Wireless Printing
Login to your email account and send/forward an email with the document to be printed as an attachment to any of two printers:
Black and White: sal-cl-bw@printspots.com
Color: sal-cl-cl@printspots.com
This will send your print job to the Xerox printer at Saluda County Library.
Method 2: Upload To Web Portal
1. Click the Wireless Printing Portal button (above) or go to https://www.printeron.net/sal/cl
2. Select one of the two library printers to print to:
Black and White
3. Enter your email address.
4. Select document:
If printing a document from your computer: click Browse and locate file.
If printing from a website: copy and paste the website’s url into the text box.
5. Click the gray "next" arrow button to print. This will send your print job to the Xerox printer at Saluda County Library.
Method 3: Download App
Download the "PrinterOn" app from your play store.