Seed Library

What is a Seed Library?
So you are probably wondering how a Seed Library works. The answer is very simple. A Seed Library is a place where community members can receive seeds for free and is for the public benefit. Saluda County Library card holders may “borrow” seeds, and grow plants. We use "borrow" loosely. We don’t require you to return anything nor are there any late fees. You can get up to five (5) packs of seeds per week, per library account. If you would like to help our local Seed Library thrive, you are more then welcome to do so by donating seeds. You can purchase them (preferably), or you can harvest your own seeds.
There are many benefits to having a Seed Library. It is a fun project for adults and little ones alike. It can support people who are new to the world of gardening, while also building community with fellow gardeners.

Happy Growing
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or drop by!
We are open Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm. (864) 445-4500 ext. 2264
#saludacountylibrary #seedlibrary #saludasc #max5packsaweek #freeseeds #growyourgarden #herbs #flowers #Saludascseedlibrary #gardening #vegetable #fruit #veggies #farming #growyourfood #SaludaCountySeedLibrary

Don't know how to save your seeds? Our Saving Seeds brochure can help with that!

The National Gardening Association
The National Gardening Association has got great information for new and seasoned gardeners alike!
Container gardening, the time to plant depending on your zone (Saluda is zone 8), and they also have information on teaching children about gardening.